Ayurveda states, Every individual is born with a different body-type and dosha, and it is essential to balance ‘Doshas’ to maintain a healthy lifestyle. There are high chances of developing diseases like skin disorders, anxieties, insomnia, troubled digestion, and depression with imbalanced doshas.

Ayurveda suggests eating and avoiding various vegetables, fruits, grains, herbs, and spices based upon the individual dosha. We recommend individuals to consult our Ayurvedic expert to determine the dosha and follow the diet accordingly. 

Dosha: Vata (‘Vah-tah’)

  • The active qualities for Vata are dry, moving, cold, energetic, and light. Vata governs functions like the nervous system and body movement. Individuals with imbalanced Vata dosha are likely to have disorders like dry skin, sensitive digestion, constipation, weight loss, body aches, and cold feet or hands.
  • Based on Ayurvedic principles, suggested food to balance Vata are herbal tea, warm milk, cheese, soup, nuts, cereals, stew vegetables, ripe and sweet fruits, lukewarm water. Also, the consumption of spices like cinnamon, cardamom, cumin, ginger, cloves, garlic is balancing.
  • Avoid foods like raw vegetables, unripe fruits, caffeinated drinks, iced drinks, candies, astringent herbs to balance Vata.
  • Imbalanced Vata may cause emotional disorder like a nervous breakdown, insomnia, and anxiousness

“The ayurvedic rule in treatment is to treat Vata like a flower, Pitta like a friend and Kapha like an enemy.”
― David Frawley

Dosha: Pitta (‘Pih-tah’)

  • The active qualities for Pitta are sharp, hot, pungent, intense, acidic, and light. Pitta governs functions like digestion, sleep, and appetite. Individuals with imbalanced Pitta dosha are likely to have disorders like skin rashes, heartburn, ulcers, indigestion, burning, body heat sensations, and emotional imbalance.
  • Based on Ayurvedic principles, suggested food to balance Pitta are salads, grains, vegetables, cold milk, ice cream, cold cereal, and licorice/mint or apple tea.
  • Avoid foods like eggs, red meat, nuts, hot spices, cheese, pickles, fried food, hot drinks, honey, vinegar, and coffee to balance Pitta.
  • Imbalanced Pitta may cause emotional disorders like short temper anger, argumentative, and expressive breakdown.

“Work on you, for you.”

Dosha: Kapha (‘Kah-fah’)

  • The active qualities of Kapha are cold, slow, steady, and heavy. Kapha governs functions like cells, muscle, bone formation, and immune system. Individuals with imbalanced Kapha dosha are likely to have disorders like asthma, diabetes, excessive sleeping, depression, and obesity.
  • Based on Ayurvedic principles suggested food to balance Kapha are raw fruits, vegetables, lightly cooked meals, and tonic drinks.
  • Avoid foods like dairy products, ghee, oil, salt, and fatty food to balance Kapha.
  • Imbalanced Kapha may cause emotional disorders like stubbornness, over-attachment, and resistance.

“If your diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. If your diet is correct, medicine is of no need.”

― Ayurvedic Proverb