Ayurveda describes sleep as one of life's basic instincts, one of the three pillars of good health. (The other two are food and sexual energy.) We need sleep to rejuvenate and reenergize.

What are some sleep guidelines for different doshas? (Not sure of your dosha? Take our quiz.)

  • Vata (wind). Foot or full body massages with cooling oils like Brahmi oil helps with sleep. Avoid watching TV or using your electronic devices an hour before bed, and try not to exercise in the evening. Ensure your room is properly ventilated and dark. Use essential oils like chamomile, lavender, and sweet orange.
  • Pitta (fire). A foot massage with warm ghee can help improve sleep. Your room should be cool. Try using sweet and cooling essential oils like jasmine and rose. Try to use a light blanket. For a head massage, use oils like bhringaj or amla. Pittas can go to sleep a bit later than others, around 11:00pm.
  • Kapha (water and earth). If you are kapha-dominant, you are probably a heavy sleeper with the tendency to oversleep. Set an early wakeup time and maintain it. Try warming and invigorating scents like eucalyptus, rosemary, and ginger. 1

What are some Ayurvedic tips for improved sleep?

  • Maintain a regular sleeping schedule.
  • Eat dinner between 6:30pm and 7:00pm. Be mindful by avoiding other activities while you eat.
  • Massage oil into your feet to help relieve stress and improve sleep.
  • Practice pranayama, an effective breathing technique that calms your mind.
  • Exercise regularly. to help eliminate stress.
  • Avoid all types of stimulants, like caffeine, during the evening.

Ayurvedic herbs that can help treat sleep disorders include:

  • Brahmi has a calming and tranquilizing effect.
  • Vacha (acorus calamus) can be taking with Amla and Brahmi and is known to relieve headaches and insomnia.
  • Ashwagandha enhances the coordination between the mind and senses, which is essential for good sleep.
  • Jatamansi has been found to increase levels of serotonin and acts as a sedative and antidepressant.2

We are not all the same and what works for one person will not necessarily work for another. Try the above recommendations for your dosha. Your sleep should improve if you maintain these habits.


Do you want to incorporate Ayurvedic habits into your life but are not sure where to start? Our skilled practitioner uses an in-depth patient intake to determine your needs and help bring you back to a normal balanced and happy lifestyle. 

World Sleep Day is organized every year in March by the World Sleep Day Committee of the World Sleep Day Society. It was created to emphasize the importance of sleep-related issues from which so many suffer every day.

Ayurved Marketplace products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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1Mehrotra, Shirin. Medically reviewed by Fontaine, Dominique. "A Guide to Sleep Based on Your Ayurvedic Type." Healthline. 4/20/21. Accessed 3/10/23. https://www.healthline.com/health/sleep/an-ayurvedic-guide-to-sleep#types-of-sleep

2Karpal, Dr. Sonia Deep. "Best Ayurvedic Remedies for Sleep Disorder (Insomnia) Treatment." Lybrate. 2/10/23. Accessed 3/10/23. https://www.lybrate.com/topic/ayurveda-for-stress-and-sleep-disorder/d0c1edfb23d623602dd75f7d258b0198